About rezio

What is rezio?

rezio 是 KKday 集團於 2019 年成立,專為各國在地旅遊業者打造的預訂解決方案。rezio 將旅遊業者的銷售網頁、訂單管理、庫存串聯、線上收款、報到核銷等服務結合在一個 All-in-One 平台,提供電腦版及手機APP,因此無論在旅遊活動現場、工作室或出差在外,隨時隨地能夠自動接單、即時控位,大幅降低人力營運成本,幫助業者更專注於「旅客」身上,提供更卓越的客戶體驗。

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Rezio is a booking solution established by the KKday Group in 2019, designed specifically for travel operators worldwide. Rezio integrates various services including booking website, order management, inventory sync, online payment, and ticket redemption into a single all-in-one travel SaaS system. Rezio offers both desktop and mobile app versions, allowing operators to automatically accept orders and manage availability in real-time, whether onsite, in the office, or on business trips. This significantly reduces labor and operational costs, helping operators focus more on their "customers" and provide exceptional service experiences.


<aside> 💡 Empower your Travel Business


我們形塑工具,工具又會形塑我們。來自資訊傳播學者 Marshall McLuhan 的一句名言,正是 rezio 致力推動旅遊創新的寫照。rezio 相信科技是解決問題的工具,幫助業者打造省時省力的預訂解決方案,不僅為提高經營管理效率,也能強化在地業者競爭力,與全世界接軌!我們創造新工具,而新工具又會改變我們,對於未來的旅遊預訂、旅遊場景、旅遊體驗能有更多想像!

如果你喜歡旅遊,對於幫助旅遊產業解決問題充滿熱情,那麼加入 rezio 絕對可以讓你發光發熱!

"We shape our tools and then our tools shape us." This famous quote from communications theorist Marshall McLuhan perfectly embodies rezio's commitment to driving innovation in the travel industry. Rezio believes that technology is a tool for solving problems, helping operators create time-saving and efficient booking solutions. This not only enhances operational management efficiency but also strengthens local operators' competitiveness, connecting them with the world! We create new tools, and these new tools in turn, change us, opening up new possibilities for the future of travel booking, travel destinations, and travel experiences.

If you love traveling and are passionate about solving problems in the travel industry, joining rezio will definitely allow you to shine!
